Our curated assortment of freshwater shrimp care products will give you what you need to be successful. Whether your focus is Amano shrimp, Neocaridina shrimp or others, find the items you need to build the best shrimp habitat for these fun aquatic pets.
Maxspect Pico: The Perfect Shrimp Paradise
Brightwell AquaticsFlorinBacter One - Complete Starter Culture for Planted & Shrimp AquariumsFrom: $9.83
Brightwell AquaticsNeoTiger KH+ / GH+ - Freshwater Neocaridina & Tiger Shrimp Mineral SupplementFrom: $7.34
Brightwell AquaticsShrimpCōde - Trace Mineral Supplement for Freshwater Shrimp (500 mL)$11.52 $13.55
Brightwell AquaticsBlackWater Clear - Humic Water Conditioner for Freshwater Shrimp (500 mL)$11.52 $13.55
Brightwell AquaticsFlorinVolcanit Rio Escuro-XF - Planted Tank & Shrimp Substrate (Black 1mm)From: $23.61
Brightwell AquaticsFlorinVolcanit Rio Café-F - Planted Tank & Shrimp Substrate (Brown, 3mm)From: $56.36
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