Want to place an order from outside the USA?
Here is what you need?
Step 1. Paypal is our preferred payment solution for international orders but you can use most major credit cards with a US-based billing address including virtual cards.
Step 2. Set up a mail forwarding account with services like one of the following. This will provide you a US-based mailing address we can ship to and they will forward it on to you when they receive it.
Step 3. Shop on BRS and place your order. Make sure to enter the address your mail forwarding service provides in the shipping address. If you are using PayPal use the forwarding service for the billing address. If you are using a physical or virtual credit card with a US-based billing address then enter that in the billing address field.
Few expectations for international orders. Your reefing gear is flying around the world and has some related differences.
- Bulk Reef Supply is only responsible for safe intact delivery to your forwarding service but is no longer responsible for the package after they have received it. Damages and losses after that point should be taken up with your forwarding service.
- All electronics are made for the US market with appropriate power standards and plugs. Almost every electronic item will require an adaptor to work outside of the USA.
- Live goods, foods, and other items may not be exported to many countries so please check with your forwarding company before ordering.
- Warrantees. Most US based manufacturers and distributors will not process warranty service on product shipped onside of the US borders. It is safe to assume any warranty is voided when it leaves the country.
- Returns on international orders are accepted for 30 days from the date of order. The customer is responsible for all freight, duties, and fees associated with the return shipment. Be aware this may cost more than the product itself and may not be worth it.
- Customs, taxes, and duties charged by your government are the customer's responsibility. Please check with your forwarding service for an idea of what those costs might be. These charges can often exceed expectations.
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