ESV Aquarium Products Inc.

Amino Enhanced Time Release Dried Marine Phytoplankton - ESV

Grouped product items
42g Amino Enhanced Time Release Marine Dried Phytoplankton - ESV

SKU: 240130

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$16.99 $19.99

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ESV Dried Marine Phytoplankton is a versatile food source for any reef aquarium. ESV has created the Dried Marine Phytoplankton to improve on the Spray Dried Marine Phytoplankton. Contains 65% more highly unsaturated fatty acids. Larger particles will eventually break down into single cells. Feed corals, invertebrates, and fish directly. Use as an enrichment for Artemia and rotifer culture. Use as an essential first step in creating a natural food chain in your reef aquarium by promoting production of zooplankton, which is also a valuable food source for your tank.



More Information
SKU ESV Dried Marine Phytoplankton - Time Release
Aquarium Type Saltwater
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Product Questions

Do you know what species of phytoplankton are in this? I'm also curious what does the time release mean?
Question by: Justin Hoer on Feb 4, 2020, 12:03 PM
Hey there,

Unfortunately we do not have that information available. I would suggest reach out to the manufacturer directly.

Take care
Answer by: Thomas Billington on Feb 6, 2020, 1:11 PM