Often times aquarists focus solely on pH and find themselves chasing a certain decimal when understanding and measuring KH is what is being missed. In this video, I'll show what affects pH in an aquarium and demonstrate the why a buffering system for pH can keep your fish safe and your water parameters in check. Don't worry if chemistry isn't your thing, we'll keep it straightforward so you have a better understanding of what's happening in your aquarium!


  1. pH Checker for Planted Aquariums
    pH Checker for Planted Aquariums
    $9.47 $9.47

  2. pH Checker Refill Solution
    pH Checker Refill Solution
    $3.61 $3.61

  3. AF Minus pH
    AF Minus pH
    From: $3.09

  4. KH Test Kit
    KH Test Kit
    $8.98 $8.98