So, you've got this cool piece of driftwood for your aquarium, but it won't stay where you want it. No worries—keeping driftwood in place is easier than it seems. In this guide, we'll break down the uncomplicated steps to make sure your driftwood stays right where you put it in your aquarium. Let's keep it simple and steady!

Here are three effective methods to ensure your driftwood stays securely in place:

  • Soaking the Driftwood:
    • Method: Before introducing the driftwood to your aquarium, soak it in a bucket or a separate container filled with water. Changing the water regularly helps remove tannins and allows the wood to become waterlogged. Once the driftwood is waterlogged, it becomes heavier and less buoyant, making it easier to position and stay in place within your tank.

gluing drifwtood

  • Gluing the Driftwood to Rocks:
      • Method: Utilize aquarium-safe glue to attach the base of the driftwood to a sturdy rock or a flat surface within your tank. Ensure the glue is specifically designed for aquarium use to avoid any harmful substances leaching into the water. This method provides a secure anchor for the driftwood, preventing it from floating or shifting over time.
  • Tying Down the Driftwood to Rocks with String or Stainless Screw:
    • Method: For a more natural look, consider tying down the driftwood to rocks using aquarium-safe string or a stainless steel screw. Wrap the string tightly around the driftwood and secure it to a rock, or use a stainless screw to anchor the driftwood in place. This method allows for flexibility in positioning and ensures the driftwood stays firmly rooted in your aquarium substrate.


Do I have to boil driftwood for the aquarium?

Boiling driftwood for your aquarium is a beneficial practice, but it's not absolutely necessary. While boiling helps remove potential contaminants and accelerates tannin release, some aquarium enthusiasts choose not to boil and allow the driftwood to naturally release tannins over time. This approach is valid, and as long as you're mindful of the water parameters and the potential tint in the tank, skipping the boiling step won't have a significant impact. It's a matter of personal preference, and many aquarium hobbyists have successfully added driftwood without boiling, depending on their specific goals and the needs of their aquarium.

Do you need to treat driftwood before using?

Treating driftwood before using it in your aquarium is not a must-do, but it's a good idea. Simply soaking the driftwood in water beforehand is often enough. While some people skip this step and put the driftwood directly into their aquarium, soaking helps remove any tannins and makes it waterlogged, preventing it from floating. 

Preparing Driftwood for you Aquarium

Getting your aquarium driftwood ready doesn't have to be complicated. While treating it with specific substances isn't necessary, it's a smart move to soak the driftwood before introducing it to your tank. Some aquarists go straight to placing driftwood in their aquarium, but soaking has its perks. It helps release tannins and ensures the wood sinks instead of float. So, when it comes to prepping aquarium driftwood, a bit of soaking is an easy step that goes a long way in keeping your aquatic environment clean and your fish happy. You can also boil the driftwood to help the wood absorb water so that it sinks at a faster rate. 


And there you have it—keeping your aquarium driftwood in check doesn't have to be a head-scratcher. With these straightforward tips, you'll have that wood staying put, creating the perfect underwater ecosystem.